Renæssanceforum 4 • 2008

Peter Hvilshøj Andersen Vinilandicus
Fra viniler til Vedels Gullandske Krønike. En tusindårig vandring

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From Viniles to Vedel’s Gotland Chronicle, a Thousand-Year Journey: Around 680, a Lombard wrote a fable about his people's origins. He stated they immigrated from a Scandinavian island. The patriotic Saxo surreptitiously changed them into Danes. Around 1556, Saxo's version was transformed by Jens Bille into a short political ballad. Independently, a Danish pastor wrote a Latin fiction about the Danes' origins and Gotland. As a continuation of Bille's ballad, Vedel composed an archaising poem about the Danish migrants and interpolated it into the Latin work. In 1591, he published some verses of the poem and called it Gotland’s Chronicle. All scholars mistakenly ascribe this forgery to the pastor.