Renæssanceforum 7 • 2011

Giancarlo Abbamonte & Fabio Stok
Perotti traduttore degli opuscoli plutarchei De Alexandri Magni fortuna aut virtute e De fortuna Romanorum

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The article focuses on the chronology of Perotti's early translations of three opuscula Plutarchi (namely, De invidia et odio, De Alexandri Magni fortuna aut virtute and De fortuna romanorum) and on the relationship between Perotti's translations of the two latter treatises and the preceding ones by Iacopo Angeli da Scarperia. G. Abbamonte argues that the De Alexandri Magni fortuna aut virtute is the earliest of the three translations and F. Stok presents a list of the testimonia transmitting the Plutarch translations made by Perotti and describes the relationship among the manuscripts.