Renæssanceforum 8 • 2012

Joan Carbonell Manils, Helena Gimeno Pascual & Gerard González Germain
Quondam quanta fuit Hispania ipsa saxa doceant: Falsi epigrafici e identità nella Spagna del XVI secolo

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Contemporary criticism has emphasized the importance of the analysis of the so called "epigraphic fakes" - either handwritten or material ones - as documents with social, cultural and political values that go beyond the information transmitted by the text. This article analyzes and comments thoroughly on a set of five false inscriptions related to the war between the Romans and Viriathus, which were circulated between 1513 and 1516 by Agostino Nettucci (a poorly known humanist). This episode gives us an insight into the modus operandi employed by sixteenth - and seventeenth-century forgers and the eventual motives for carrying out these forgeries.